We’re more than ‘OK’!

Our campers are more than “OK”, they’re great! Last night every counselor wrote an “I’m OK” card home introducing themselves and the bunk. And it’s a real card, hand-written by your child’s real Counselors! The penmanship might not always be the best but the happy sentiments are real. The first full day of camp was absolutely terrific. Activities are in full swing, there have been sign ups for the talent show and inter camp teams and the fun is at full throttle. We’ve been lucky to start off with magnificent weather. Camp is off with a bang, our campers have hit the ground running. Look for your counselor “I’m OK” card in the mail. Hey, by the way, we’re ok, how are things back in civilization?!



Kugel Makes a Comeback!

Just like your Bubbe used to make, our own Barbara Black made a delicious homemade kugel to go with tonight’s Bar B Que chicken, fresh( not canned) sweet potatoes, stir fried fresh vegetables and cranberry sauce ,strawberry spinach salad and apple Brown Betty. Wow! Are we on a cruise ship? A weekend at Grossingers? Or is this the best darn food, this side of the Delaware River?! Campers loved tonight’s dinner and tomorrow we crank up the wood burning pizza oven! Are we foodies or is this just the good life at camp?

Pine Forest Camp Sets Sail!

Last night campers all over the world went to bed at home with great hopes and big dreams for the summer. New  friends, fun and adventure.  And today their dreams will come true.

Step off those buses, out of your cars, off of the airplanes and step into your summer home. We can’t wait to welcome you.

Parents, relax. We’ll take over from here.    Your children are in good hands, the best.

All of the planning and preparation is over and the first campers have arrived just hours ago.

Pine Forest’s 84th summer  begins now.

So sing it as loud as you can, from Florida, to New York City to Europe and back to Bethesda, Maryland  and Cherry Hill, New Jersey. It’s the Pine Forest Welcome song, “We welcome you to Pine forest, we’re mighty glad you’re here. We’ll set the air reverberating with a might cheer!”

Let the fun begin. Our ship sets sail now. All good things are yet to come.

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Hiding Behind My Ray-Bans

Yes, that will be me tomorrow, hiding behind my Ray-Bans. Me, who promotes camp to other parents and me, who believes whole-heartedly in the unparalled benefits and fun of overnight camp. But, still, that’ll be me.

It doesn’t matter how much you know they’ll love it, it doesn’t matter that you know they’re about to make friends and memories that last a lifetime and it doesn’t matter that you know they’re about to have more fun than they ever thought possible. The bottom line is, letting your child go, allowing and empowering them to spread their wings without you is hard. Really hard.  I think of this as the most selfless act we as parents have probably ever done to date.  Putting our needs and wants second to what we know is best for our children…Something we do everyday, but this is the granddaddy act of them all.

I find all the comfort and solace I need knowing my children will be safe, loved and cared for by some of the most amazing people I know. My children will be making friends and living with other amazing children, who, like them, just want to have fun and take in all camp has to offer; pure unadulterated fun. The summer of 2014 at Pine Forest is going to be incredible so I truly can’t wait for my children to get started!

Mom and dads, good luck tomorrow! I like to keep the morning short and sweet. That’s my advice.  And, of course, wear sunglasses.




Haircuts and sneakers. That’s how we roll.

It’s the week before camp and it’s time to get that short summer cut that you’ve been dreading. It doesn’t have to be a crew cut guys,  it’s got to last for seven weeks.  (Back in the 50’s a barber came to PFC!) And remember when 2 years ago Danny came to camp with a PFC logo shaved into his hair?! Crazy! But it got us all in the spirit. So don’t be shy, go for it. In the words of Huey Lewis  “It’s hip to be square!”

And look down. What have you got on your feet? You don’t need brand new sneakers but bring good athletic shoes for league games and maybe an old pair or some aqua shoes for a little “creek stomping!” up at nature.


Welcome to our new blog!

It’s been a long time coming, but we’re excited to present…

Untitled-6.fwUncle Hughie and The News!

This blog will cover all things PFC: before, during and after the summer. We’ll have guest bloggers ranging from camp leaders to campers to alumni to our new baker who wants to publish his rugelach recipes! Uncle Hughie and The News has it all.

You’re probably asking yourself, Uncle Hughie and The News? Is that what I think it is, and ode to the late 80’s rock band, Huey Lewis and The News?  The band many know for their critically acclaimed album, ‘Sports’.  The answer: Sort of, but not really. It just sounded funny.

Our founder, Uncle Hughie Black, never really heard the sweet yet poignant and catchy sounds of the pop rock band. In fact, Uncle Hughie was likely more of a Benny Goodman fan.  But that’s another story for another campfire…

Are you ready for the blog of all blogs? A mommy blog with a sharp cheddar edge that even dad can get down with?

This MUST be the place for you: current & future campers, parents, alumni.

So read along with us as we join the world of camping, blogging, bug juice and bug bites.