This past December, we bumped into another PFC family while away on vacation. The immediate bond our kids all felt together was so apparent to me, even outside of Greeley. It didn’t matter that they weren’t the exact same age. Their camp family ties gave them familiarity and comfort together and it was such a great a way to make their worlds just a bit smaller.
In our house, talk of camp happens on weekly if not daily basis – bunk group texts, discussions over what dress-up clothes to bring, song ideas for MTV Night, where they hope to have their beds this summer, as well as endless stories, reliving the summer past. It’s so heartwarming to witness and so amazing. Living 10 months for 2 is truly not just a cliché. The children don’t even realize how much camp makes up their daily lives and who they’re becoming, but I, as a parent, most certainly do. I don’t take any of it for granted and feel so thankful my children have made these connections and memories at such a young age.
It’s all you wish for as a parent; that your child makes true friends and special memories and that they have a safe place in this world to escape to, to dream about and to look forward to getting back to year after year.