Good Morning, Pine Forest Camp!

“What’s a line-up?” a camper in bunk Lilac asked as she bounded up to the girls flag pole after clean up.

It’s how we start the day at camp. Announcements are made, jokes are told, camper-friendly news from the world shared and birthdays celebrated Today’s line-ups featured introductions of all of our camp leaders!

At boys’ line-up, Hal talked about his guiding principles for the summer: L.F.B. Leadership, Fair Play, Brotherhood. A tribute to Lee Forest Black.

And there was sports news from Slansky. Special, interesting holidays from Jack. And ,“Did you know..” that not one, two, but three campers were visited by the tooth fairy last night?!

At Girls’ line-up, there was a rousing rendition of the traditional camp song, “We welcome you to Pine Forest,” followed by Chad’s pep talk about athletic leagues. Jonathan gave news of Taylor Swift’s “surprise songs” from last night’s Minneapolis concert. “Dear John.” The crowd gasped!

A reminder by Stephanie to wear sneakers and sunscreen. Yes, the sun came out!

Tooth fairies, songs, funny holidays, brotherhood, Taylor Swift all followed by the eggs, bagels and homemade gravlax for breakfast. What a great way to start the season (or really any day)! We’re off and running.

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