Color Days 2023 has officially wrapped up, and after an amazing 3 days of fun, we’re back to enjoying our regular programming. We’ve got an action-packed few days with league playoffs and championships, awards ceremonies, banquet and cabaret, candlelighting, and more! Trust us: we’ll take advantage of every minute we have and make the most of it all!
We’ve been busy wrapping up athletics! The past 2 days, campers played football, basketball, soccer, newcomb, and more. Hi-seniors boys enjoyed their last time down at the lake yesterday, and the hi-senior girls are headed there today.
Yesterday afternoon, we also had our annual Old Timers Club party – always a crowd favorite! Any camper or counselor who has been at camp for 3 years or more comes to this annual celebration. We had ice cream – with more toppings than you can imagine! – as we celebrated all of our summers here. What a blast! And early this morning, our hi-senior girls ventured down to the lake early in the morning while the rest of us slept for their annual Polar Plunge tradition.
Tonight, girls camp will gather for one of our favorite traditions: bunk Song & Cheer, while our lower camp boys will play an epic game of Capture the Flag together. Senior boys will play a favorite: Crystal Quest, and hi-seniors will have Auction Battle. Believe it or not, these activities will close out our regularly scheduled evening activities. Next up: banquet, cabaret, and candlelighting! How is it all coming to an end so soon? Say it ain’t so!