Good Character

In camp we talk about good character. We want to acknowledge good character, but also we  want to remind us about goodness and kindness.  At the beginning of camp all bunks come up with Rules of the Bunk.  One of them being having fun and making memories.  We have a Good Vibes box that little “love notes” are written sometimes anonymously about another camper or counselors to continully spread good vibes in camp.  An example could be about someone in your bunk helping you with your job during clean up.  Another camper letting a friend borrow their stationary to write a letter.

In Girls Camp, we all get a bracelet that represents spelling out G.I.R.L.S. Gratitude, Inspiration, Respect, Love, and Support.  The bracelet ceremony will be at our first all girls campfire this Friday.

In boys’ camp, we focus on The L.F.B. Way: Leadership, Fair Play, and Brotherhood – a tribute to Lee Forest Black. When boys camp gathers for line-up, counselors, camp leaders, and fellow campers can share about any campers they noticed that day exhibiting those characteristics, and those boys earn a special bracelet. It’s a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the big and small moments of kindness, brotherhood, and leadership that may otherwise go unnoticed. Throughout the summer, there will be many other ways we’ll continue to develop and celebrate these characteristics.

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