Happy Earth Day!

Wake up to the sound of a morning dove, a woodpecker or two.
Walk out of your bunk, the grass is still wet with dew.

On the way to the lake, what’s that rustle that I hear?
An eagle taking flight, a chipmunk or a deer?

At the far end of the lake, there’s a beaver dam, it looks new!
Just past Blueberry  Island, we can see it from our canoe.

You can smell the pines wherever you go,
Feel the sun on your shoulders, the warm summer glow.

At night around the campfire, it’s that fresh mountain chill.
Look up in the sky, a shooting star! Now that’s a thrill.

From sunrise to sunset, nature puts it’s stamp.
Every day is Earth Day at Pine Forest Camp.

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Unplugged and Happy

Hey Parents,

Yesterday, there was an article in the New York Times Style Section about the benefits of disconnecting from electronics entitled “Hey Kids, Look At Me When We’re Talking” by Bruce Feiler.

In particular, it highlighted the positive impact of unplugging at overnight camp.  Here is the key paragraph:

“In 2012, Dr. Greenfield and her colleague Yalda T. Uhls performed a study of their own. They invited 51 preteens to spend five days at an overnight camp without television, computers or mobile phones. These students were compared to a control group that retained usual media practices. All participants took before and after tests that required them to infer emotional states from photographs and videos. After five days without screens, the children at the camp were significantly better at reading nonverbal emotional cues.”

Last week we heard from one of our Hi-Senior girls’ parents, who wrote:

“Last night I drove 3 9th graders into NYC for a concert. As the driver, I remained silent and there was an interesting conversation going on between the 3 girls. Two were from camp… and the 3rd, [was]  a non camp kid.”

The camp girls were extolling the virtues of unplugging for the summer. They said that it wasn’t easy, but they really appreciated not feeling the pressure to stay on top of social media all summer. After the first week, they really enjoyed the separation. Late night chats with friends without everyone being distracted by their screens are really unique in this day and age. There is great importance in authentic face-to-face communication.

Just 2 days ago, another camp parent sent us a picture of a t-shirt that said “There is no WIFI at camp, but the Connection is Awesome!”


Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/19/fashion/hey-kids-look-at-me-when-were-talking.html?_r=0

Spotlight on: Andy!

Meet Andy Borowsky, Head of Boys Camp and new father to daughter, Beau!


Hometown: Newtown, PA
When I’m not at camp, I’m: An Elementary Teacher and Ice Hockey Coach
Years at PFC: 4
Favorite camp meal: Chicken Fingers
Favorite camp tradition: Boys Campfires
Favorite camp song: Any former Color Days song
Favorite evening activity: Tennis Ground Hockey
Favorite part of being Head of Boys Camp: Line ups!
What I’m looking forward to most in 2015 is: Being reunited with all of my camp friends and making new ones.
Describe PFC in 3 words: PINE FOREST CAMP (Ha!)
Fun fact about myself: My wife and I just had our first child!!!
